Seminars 2018

The Hellenic Society of Child & Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (H.A.C.A.P.P.) organizes for 2018 two workshops aimed at Preschool teachers with the following topics:

1. Everyday difficulties in kindergarten: how we understand them and how we deal with them (behavioural difficulties, separation anxiety, toilet use, food).

2. Pathological behaviors in kindergarten. How do we understand them and how do we deal with them (autism spectrum, ADHD)

Description: These are 2 separate two-day workshops (two 4 hours) which can be attended by kindergarten teachers either individually or as a follow-up. They will take place on weekends at the Association’s headquarters. Each will have a theoretical and a clinical part with material provided by the moderators for discussion (vignettes).  During the theoretical part the basic principles of psychoanalytic theory which will be the basis of our understanding will be presented. Some topics that will be discussed also relate to the relationship with the children and the cooperation with the parents in the context of the kindergarten.
The workshops will have two moderators and and the maximum number of participants is 15. The cost is:80 euros.

Theπρώτο seminar will take place in May 19 – 20,
Starts at 10.30, break 12.0012.30, ending 2.30μμ,
with moderators :
Dr. Evi Athanasiadou and Dr. Lida Anagnostaki.

The second seminar will take place on a date and with coordinators that will be announced later.

Please send your CV at: